Migrating from pyglet 1.5

pyglet 2.0 includes a number of breaking changes, so some effort may be needed to upgrade your application or game. Primarily, pyglet 2.0 is now built around modern OpenGL (3.3+), wheras previous releases used legacy OpenGL 2.0 contexts. While much has changed internally, the user facing APIs remain mostly the same. This means that if your program does not use much OpenGL directly, migrating to pyglet 2.0 will be fairly easy. If your program does make heavy use of OpenGL, then all of the caveats that go with modernizing an OpenGL program will apply.

In addition to changes, pyglet 2.0 also includes quite a few nice improvements. For games, user input has been improved with a new Controller API. This is a modern compliment to the Joystick API, specifically for game controllers. Internally, a lot of work has been done to improve the platform abstractions. A new pyglet.math module has also been added, which provides built-in support for common Vector and Matrix types.

pyglet 2.0 should be just as easy to use, but will allow more flexibility due to the highly programmable nature of modern OpenGL.

If you maintain a project that relies on pyglet, and are unable to update right away, you may want to pin your pyglet version (in requirements.txt or setup.py):


General Changes

If your program only uses pyglet’s high level objects (Sprites, Text, Shapes), then very little needs to be done. The most prominent changes are described in the following sections.

Sprites and Labels

Sprites and Labels now have a z position, in addition to x and y. This can be useful for some sorting techniques, or even for advanced uses like positioning 2D sprites on a 3D background. If you are using position property, make sure to account for the additional z value (leave it at 0 if unneeded):

sprx, spry, sprz = my_sprite.position
my_sprite.position = 10, 10, 0


OrderedGroup has been removed. Instead, all Groups now have an order parameter. You can mimic the behavior by creating a Group instance with order parameter:

from pyglet.graphics import Group

bg_group = Group(order=0)
fg_group = Group(order=1)

Window Projection and Cameras

Windows now have projection and view properties, which are 4x4 matrixes. These two matrixes are used internally to determine the final screen projection. In pyglet 1.X, you may have used OpenGL commands like glOrtho, glTranslate, etc. to manipulate the “Camera”. Or, if working with the OpenGL matrixes directly, commands such as glMatrixMode, glPushMatrix, glPopMatrix, etc. to manipulate the matrixes. In pyglet 2.0+, you can simply set the matrixes directly on the Window.

For example: If you want to set a perspective (3D) projection instead of the default orthographic (2D) projection, simply set the Window.projection matrix. If you want to scroll the viewport, simply set the Window.view matrix.

The new math module is available to assist in creating and manipulating matrixes, so basic operations can be performed without deep mathematical knowledge.

Here are some very simplistic examples on the new usages.

Pyglet 1.5 -> 2.0 Chart

1.5 Code

2.0 Code


glTranslatef(x, y, z)
window.view = window.view.translate((x, y, z))


glScalef(zoom, zoom, 1)
window.view = window.view.scale((zoom, zoom, 1))

Orthogonal Projection

gl.glOrtho(0, width, 0, height, -255, 255)
from pyglet.math import Mat4
window.projection = Mat4.orthogonal_projection(
    0, width, 0, height, -255, 255


vertex_list = batch.add(4, GL_QUADS, group, vertex_format,
     ('c4B', (255,255,255,255) * 4),
     ('t3f', texture.tex_coords))
vertex_list = program.vertex_list_indexed(
 4, GL_TRIANGLES, [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3], batch, group,
 colors=('Bn', (255, 255, 255, 255) * 4),
 tex_coords=('f', texture.tex_coords))

Application Event Loop

In previous releases, the Window was redrawn (and the Window.on_draw() event dispatched) whenever any scheduled function was called, or event dispatched. This often lead to unpredictability and potentially unstable frame rates. In pyglet 2.0, a new interval argument has been added to pyglet.app.run. Windows will now always be redrawn at this interval. It defaults to 60fps (1/60), but can be set as desired:

def on_draw():
    # always called at 120fps


Graphics module

The largest user facing change in pyglet 2.0 is the graphics module (also see Shaders and Rendering). If you were using this module to draw simple shapes and OpenGL primitives, the shapes module may be able to fill that need. If your needs are more advanced, read on.

In legacy OpenGL, the fixed function pipeline had pre-defined vertex attributes. (Vertex, Color, Normals, Texture Coordinates, etc.) Because these were all predefined, it was possible to create a VertexList directly, or use Batch.add(…) to define one. In modern OpenGL, this is no longer the case. Due to its highly programmable nature, nothing is pre-defined. Instead, the attribute names, sizes, etc. are all defined in Shader Programs. Shaders can be as complex or simple as needed, only defining the attributes that are necessary. For instance pyglet objects, such as Sprites and Shapes, both have their own custom Shaders with attributes that suite them.

For the above reason, Batch.add and Batch.add_indexed have been removed. Instead you start with a ShaderProgram, and use the ShaderProgram.vertex_list or ShaderProgram.vertex_list_indexed methods. The resulting VertexLists can still be Batched, but you pass in your Batch instance as an argument (the same way as you would when creating a Sprite, or other object).

In legacy pyglet versions you would do something like this:

vertex_list = batch.add(4, GL_TRIANGLES, group,
                        ('v3f', vertex_positions),
                        ('t3f', tex.tex_coords))

In pyglet 2+ you start with the ShaderProgram, and the syntax has changed slightly:

vertex_list = shader_program.vertex_list(4, GL_TRIANGLES, batch, group,
                                         position=('f', vertex_positions),
                                         tex_coords=('f', tex.tex_coords))

Please see the Shaders and Rendering section for more detailed information on the new interface.