OpenGL interface.

This package imports all OpenGL and registered OpenGL extension functions. Functions have identical signatures to their C counterparts.

OpenGL is documented in full at the OpenGL Reference Pages.

The OpenGL Programming Guide, also known as “The Red Book”, is a popular reference manual organised by topic. It is available in digital and paper editions.

The following subpackages are imported into this “mega” package already (and so are available by importing


ARB registered OpenGL extension functions

Deprecated OpenGL extension functions.

These subpackages are also available, but are not imported into this namespace by default:

nVidia OpenGL extension functions

AGL (Mac OS X OpenGL context functions)

GLX (Linux OpenGL context functions)

ARB registered GLX extension functions

nvidia GLX extension functions

WGL (Windows OpenGL context functions)

ARB registered WGL extension functions

nvidia WGL extension functions

The information modules are provided for convenience, and are documented below.

exception GLException
class Config

Graphics configuration.

A Config stores the preferences for OpenGL attributes such as the number of auxiliary buffers, size of the colour and depth buffers, double buffering, stencilling, multi- and super-sampling, and so on.

Different platforms support a different set of attributes, so these are set with a string key and a value which is integer or boolean.

__init__(**kwargs: float) None

Create a template config with the given attributes.

Specify attributes as keyword arguments, for example:

template = Config(double_buffer=True)
share: Context | None,
) Context

Create a GL context that satisifies this configuration.


share (Context | None) – If not None, a context with which to share objects with.


Use DisplayConfig.create_context.

Return type:


get_gl_attributes() list[tuple[str, bool | int | str]]

Return a list of attributes set on this config.

The attributes are returned as a list of tuples, containing the name and values. Any unset attributes will have a value of None.

Return type:

list[tuple[str, bool | int | str]]

is_complete() bool

Determine if this config is complete and able to create a context.

Configs created directly are not complete, they can only serve as templates for retrieving a supported config from the system. For example, pyglet.window.Screen.get_matching_configs returns complete configs.


Use isinstance(config, DisplayConfig).

Return type:


abstract match(
canvas: Canvas,
) list[]

Return a list of matching complete configs for the given canvas.

Return type:


accum_alpha_size: int

Bits per pixel devoted to the alpha component in the accumulation buffer.

accum_blue_size: int

Bits per pixel devoted to the blue component in the accumulation buffer.

accum_green_size: int

Bits per pixel devoted to the green component in the accumulation buffer.

accum_red_size: int

Bits per pixel devoted to the red component in the accumulation buffer.

alpha_size: int

Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the alpha component.

aux_buffers: int

The number of auxiliary color buffers.

blue_size: int

Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the blue component.

buffer_size: int

Total bits per sample per color buffer.

debug: bool

Debug mode.

depth_size: int

Bits per sample in the depth buffer.

double_buffer: bool

Specify the presence of a back-buffer for every color buffer.

forward_compatible: bool

Whether to use forward compatibility mode.

green_size: int

Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the green component.

major_version: int

The OpenGL major version.

minor_version: int

The OpenGL minor version.

opengl_api: str

The OpenGL API, such as “gl” or “gles”.

red_size: int

Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the red component.

sample_buffers: int

The number of multisample buffers.

samples: int

The number of samples per pixel, or 0 if there are no multisample buffers.

stencil_size: int

Bits per sample in the stencil buffer.

stereo: bool

Specify the presence of separate left and right buffer sets.


alias of CFunctionType


alias of c_uint


alias of c_ubyte


alias of c_char


alias of c_char


alias of c_double


alias of c_float


alias of c_uint


alias of c_double


alias of c_uint


alias of c_float


alias of c_int


alias of c_long


alias of c_long


alias of c_short


alias of c_int


alias of c_long


alias of LP_struct___GLsync


alias of c_ubyte


alias of c_uint


alias of c_ulong


alias of c_ulong


alias of c_ushort

class GLException
__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class ObjectSpace

A container to store shared objects that are to be removed.

__init__() None

Initialize the context object space.

class Config

Graphics configuration.

A Config stores the preferences for OpenGL attributes such as the number of auxiliary buffers, size of the colour and depth buffers, double buffering, stencilling, multi- and super-sampling, and so on.

Different platforms support a different set of attributes, so these are set with a string key and a value which is integer or boolean.

__init__(**kwargs: float) None

Create a template config with the given attributes.

Specify attributes as keyword arguments, for example:

template = Config(double_buffer=True)
share: Context | None,
) Context

Create a GL context that satisifies this configuration.


share (Context | None) – If not None, a context with which to share objects with.


Use DisplayConfig.create_context.

Return type:


get_gl_attributes() list[tuple[str, bool | int | str]]

Return a list of attributes set on this config.

The attributes are returned as a list of tuples, containing the name and values. Any unset attributes will have a value of None.

Return type:

list[tuple[str, bool | int | str]]

is_complete() bool

Determine if this config is complete and able to create a context.

Configs created directly are not complete, they can only serve as templates for retrieving a supported config from the system. For example, pyglet.window.Screen.get_matching_configs returns complete configs.


Use isinstance(config, DisplayConfig).

Return type:


abstract match(
canvas: Canvas,
) list[]

Return a list of matching complete configs for the given canvas.

Return type:


accum_alpha_size: int

Bits per pixel devoted to the alpha component in the accumulation buffer.

accum_blue_size: int

Bits per pixel devoted to the blue component in the accumulation buffer.

accum_green_size: int

Bits per pixel devoted to the green component in the accumulation buffer.

accum_red_size: int

Bits per pixel devoted to the red component in the accumulation buffer.

alpha_size: int

Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the alpha component.

aux_buffers: int

The number of auxiliary color buffers.

blue_size: int

Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the blue component.

buffer_size: int

Total bits per sample per color buffer.

debug: bool

Debug mode.

depth_size: int

Bits per sample in the depth buffer.

double_buffer: bool

Specify the presence of a back-buffer for every color buffer.

forward_compatible: bool

Whether to use forward compatibility mode.

green_size: int

Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the green component.

major_version: int

The OpenGL major version.

minor_version: int

The OpenGL minor version.

opengl_api: str

The OpenGL API, such as “gl” or “gles”.

red_size: int

Bits per sample per buffer devoted to the red component.

sample_buffers: int

The number of multisample buffers.

samples: int

The number of samples per pixel, or 0 if there are no multisample buffers.

stencil_size: int

Bits per sample in the stencil buffer.

stereo: bool

Specify the presence of separate left and right buffer sets.

class DisplayConfig

Bases: Config, ABC

An OpenGL configuration for a particular display.

Use Config.match to obtain an instance of this class.

New in version 1.2.

canvas: Canvas,
base_config: Config,
) None

Create a template config with the given attributes.

Specify attributes as keyword arguments, for example:

template = Config(double_buffer=True)
abstract compatible(canvas: Canvas) bool

Determine compatability with the canvas.

Return type:


abstract create_context(
share: Context,
) Context

Create a GL context that satisfies this configuration.


share (Context) – If not None, a Context with which to share objects with.

Return type:


is_complete() bool

Determine if this config is complete and able to create a context.

Configs created directly are not complete, they can only serve as templates for retrieving a supported config from the system. For example, pyglet.window.Screen.get_matching_configs returns complete configs.


Use isinstance(config, DisplayConfig).

Return type:


canvas: Canvas

The canvas this config is valid on.

class Context

A base OpenGL context for drawing.

Use DisplayConfig.create_context to create a context.

config: DisplayConfig,
context_share: Context | None = None,
) None

Initialize a context.

This should only be created through the DisplayConfig.create_context method.

  • config (DisplayConfig) – An operating system specific config.

  • context_share (Context | None) – A context to share objects with. Use None to disable sharing.

attach(canvas: Canvas) None
Return type:


*sources: tuple[str, str],
) ShaderProgram

Create a ShaderProgram from OpenGL GLSL source.

This is a convenience method that takes one or more tuples of (source_string, shader_type), and returns a ShaderProgram instance.

source_string is OpenGL GLSL source code as a str, and shader_type is the OpenGL shader type, such as “vertex” or “fragment”. See Shader for more information. :rtype: ShaderProgram


This method is cached. Given the same shader sources, the same ShaderProgram instance will be returned. For more control over the ShaderProgram lifecycle, it is recommended to manually create Shaders and link ShaderPrograms.

New in version 2.0.10.

delete_buffer(buffer_id: int) None

Safely delete a Buffer belonging to this context’s object space.

This method behaves similarly to delete_texture, though for glDeleteBuffers instead of glDeleteTextures.

Return type:


delete_framebuffer(fbo_id: int) None

Safely delete a Framebuffer Object belonging to this context.

This method behaves similarly to delete_vao, though for glDeleteFramebuffers instead of glDeleteVertexArrays.

Return type:


delete_renderbuffer(rbo_id: int) None

Safely delete a Renderbuffer belonging to this context’s object space.

This method behaves similarly to delete_texture, though for glDeleteRenderbuffers instead of glDeleteTextures.

Return type:


delete_shader(shader_id: int) None

Safely delete a Shader belonging to this context’s object space.

This method behaves similarly to delete_texture, though for glDeleteShader instead of glDeleteTextures.

Return type:


delete_shader_program(program_id: int) None

Safely delete a ShaderProgram belonging to this context’s object space.

This method behaves similarly to delete_texture, though for glDeleteProgram instead of glDeleteTextures.

Return type:


delete_texture(texture_id: int) None

Safely delete a Texture belonging to this context’s object space.

This method will delete the texture immediately via glDeleteTextures if the current context’s object space is the same as this context’s object space, and it is called from the main thread.

Otherwise, the texture will only be marked for deletion, postponing it until any context with the same object space becomes active again.

This makes it safe to call from anywhere, including other threads.

Return type:


delete_vao(vao_id: int) None

Safely delete a Vertex Array Object belonging to this context.

If this context is not the current context or this method is not called from the main thread, its deletion will be postponed until this context is next made active again.

Otherwise, this method will immediately delete the VAO via glDeleteVertexArrays.

Return type:


destroy() None

Release the Context.

The context will not be useable after being destroyed. Each platform has its own convention for releasing the context and the buffer(s) that depend on it in the correct order; this should never be called by an application.

Return type:


detach() None
Return type:


get_info() GLInfo

Get the GLInfo instance for this context.

Return type:


set_current() None

Make this the active Context.

Setting the Context current will also delete any OpenGL objects that have been queued for deletion. IE: any objects that were created in this Context, but have been called for deletion while another Context was active.

Return type:


config: DisplayConfig
context_share: Context | None
object_space: ObjectSpace

A container which is shared between all contexts that share GL objects.