

pyglet communication occurs mostly in our discord server, and mailing list.

Issue Tracker

You can use the issue tracker to report any bug or compatibility issue.

We prefer the tracker to address discussions on specific bugs, and address broader topics of pyglet in the mailing list.

Getting the latest development version

The repository can be found here; it hosts the source, documentation, examples, and development tools. You can get the latest version of the code using:

# clone over https
git clone

# or clone over ssh
git clone

Contributing to the source

If you want to contribute to pyglet, we suggest the following:

  • Fork the official repository

  • Apply your changes to your fork

  • Submit a pull request describing the changes you have made

  • Alternatively, you can create a patch and submit it to the issue tracker.

Contributing to the documentation

When asking to include your code in the repository, check that you have addressed its respective documentation, both within the code and the API documentation. It is very important to all of us that the documentation matches the latest code and vice-versa.

Consequently, an error in the documentation, either because it is hard to understand or because it doesn’t match the code, is a bug that deserves to be reported on a ticket.

A good way to start contributing to a component of pyglet is by its documentation. When studying the code you are going to work with, also read the associated docs. If you don’t understand the code with the help of the docs, it is a sign that the docs should be improved.


pyglet is developed by many individual volunteers, and there is no central point of contact. If you have a question about developing with pyglet, or you wish to contribute, please join the discord server, or the mailing list.

For legal issues, please contact Alex Holkner.