
Load fonts.

pyglet will automatically load any system-installed fonts. You can add additional fonts (for example, from your program resources) using add_file() or add_directory(). These fonts are then available in the same way as system-installed fonts:

from pyglet import font
action_man = font.load('Action Man', 16)
# or
from pyglet import resource
action_man = font.load('Action Man')

See the pyglet.font.base module for documentation on the base classes used by this package.


Add a font to pyglet’s search path.

In order to load a font that is not installed on the system, you must call this method to tell pyglet that it exists. You can supply either a filename or any file-like object.

The font format is platform-dependent, but is typically a TrueType font file containing a single font face. Note that to use a font added with this method, you should pass the face name (not the file name) to :meth:pyglet.font.load() or any other place where you normally specify a font.

Parameters:font (str or file-like object) – Filename or file-like object to load fonts from.

Add a directory of fonts to pyglet’s search path.

This function simply calls pyglet.font.add_file() for each file with a .ttf extension in the given directory. Subdirectories are not searched.

Parameters:dir (str) – Directory that contains font files.
load(name=None, size=None, bold=False, italic=False, stretch=False, dpi=None)

Load a font for rendering.

  • name (str, or list of str) – Font family, for example, “Times New Roman”. If a list of names is provided, the first one matching a known font is used. If no font can be matched to the name(s), a default font is used. In pyglet 1.1, the name may be omitted.
  • size (float) – Size of the font, in points. The returned font may be an exact match or the closest available. In pyglet 1.1, the size may be omitted, and defaults to 12pt.
  • bold (bool) – If True, a bold variant is returned, if one exists for the given family and size.
  • italic (bool) – If True, an italic variant is returned, if one exists for the given family and size.
  • dpi (float) – The assumed resolution of the display device, for the purposes of determining the pixel size of the font. Defaults to 96.
Return type:



Check if specified system font name is available.