Third party libraries

Listed here are a few third party libraries that you might find useful when developing your project. Please direct any questions to the respective authors. If you would like to have your library listed here, let us know!


An object-oriented GUI library for pyglet (

Every game needs a user interface that matches its look and feel. The purpose of glooey is to help you make such an interface. Towards this end, glooey provides 7 powerful placement widgets, a label widget, an image widget, 3 different button widgets, a text entry widget, avariety of scroll boxes and bars, 4 different dialog box widgets, and a variety of other miscellaneous widgets. The appearance of any widget can be trivially customized, and glooey comes with built-in fantasy, puzzle, and 8-bit themes to prove it (and to help you hit the ground running if your game fits one of those genres).


Pythonic OpenGL shader wrapper for python (

Pyshaders aims to completely wraps the opengl2.1 shader api in a python module. Pyshaders provides a pythonic OOP api that hides the lower level (ctypes) calls. Pyshaders provides a high level api and a low level api, and it can be integrated easily with existing code because it does not occlude the underlying opengl values.


A Simple Python 3D Graphics Engine extension for pyglet, Psychopy and PyGame (

Ratcave provides a simple OOP interface for loading, positioning, and drawing 3D scenes in OpenGL windows. It’s a great fit for simple games and scientific behavioral experiments!

Projects using pyglet

pyglet is a fairly lightweight library, which makes it ideal to build upon. Listed here are a few projects that take advantage of pyglet “under the hood”. If you would like to have your project listed here, let us know!


A framework for building 2D games, demos, and other graphical/interactive applications (

Cocos2d is an open source software framework. It can be used to build games, apps and other cross platform GUI based interactive programs.


A 2D library for game development focusing on simplicity. (

Arcade builds on Pyglet with a focus to make creating 2D arcade games simple and easy for hobbyists and new programmers.