
Matrix and Vector math.

This module provides Vector and Matrix objects, including Vec2, Vec3, Vec4, Mat3, and Mat4. Most common matrix and vector operations are supported. Helper methods are included for rotating, scaling, and transforming. The Mat4 includes class methods for creating orthographic and perspective projection matrixes.

Matrices behave just like they do in GLSL: they are specified in column-major order and multiply on the left of vectors, which are treated as columns.

All objects are immutable and hashable.

class Mat3

A 3x3 Matrix

Mat3 is an immutable 3x3 Matrix, wich includes most common operators.

A Matrix can be created with a list or tuple of 12 values. If no values are provided, an “identity matrix” will be created (1.0 on the main diagonal). Because Mat3 objects are immutable, all operations return a new Mat3 object.


Matrix multiplication is performed using the “@” operator.

static __new__(
cls: type[Mat3T],
values: Iterable[float] = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
) Mat3T
Return type:

TypeVar (Mat3T, bound = Mat3)

rotate(phi: float) Mat3
Return type:


scale(sx: float, sy: float) Mat3
Return type:


shear(sx: float, sy: float) Mat3
Return type:


translate(tx: float, ty: float) Mat3
Return type:


class Mat4

A 4x4 Matrix

Mat4 is an immutable 4x4 Matrix, which includs most common operators. This includes class methods for creating orthogonal and perspective projection matrixes, which can be used directly by OpenGL.

A Matrix can be created with a list or tuple of 16 values. If no values are provided, an “identity matrix” will be created (1.0 on the main diagonal). Mat4 objects are immutable, so all operations return a new Mat4 object.


Matrix multiplication is performed using the “@” operator.

static __new__(
cls: type[Mat4T],
values: Iterable[float] = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
) Mat4T
Return type:

TypeVar (Mat4T, bound = Mat4)

column(index: int) tuple

Get a specific column as a tuple.

Return type:


classmethod from_rotation(angle: float, vector: Vec3) Mat4

Create a rotation matrix from an angle and Vec3.

  • angle (float) – The desired angle, in radians.

  • vector (Vec3) – A Vec3 indicating the direction.

Return type:


classmethod from_scale(vector: Vec3) Mat4T

Create a scale matrix from a Vec3.

Return type:

TypeVar (Mat4T, bound = Mat4)

classmethod from_translation(vector: Vec3) Mat4T

Create a translation matrix from a Vec3.

Return type:

TypeVar (Mat4T, bound = Mat4)

classmethod look_at(
position: Vec3,
target: Vec3,
up: Vec3,

Create a viewing matrix that points toward a target.

This method takes three Vec3s, describing the viewer’s position, where they are looking, and the upward axis (typically positive on the Y axis). The resulting Mat4 can be used as the projection matrix.

  • position (Vec3) – The location of the viewer in the scene.

  • target (Vec3) – The point that the viewer is looking towards.

  • up (Vec3) – A vector pointing “up” in the scene, typically Vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0).

classmethod orthogonal_projection(
left: float,
right: float,
bottom: float,
top: float,
z_near: float,
z_far: float,
) Mat4T

Create a Mat4 orthographic projection matrix for use with OpenGL.

Given left, right, bottom, top values, and near/far z planes, create a 4x4 Projection Matrix. This is useful for setting projection.

Return type:

TypeVar (Mat4T, bound = Mat4)

classmethod perspective_projection(
aspect: float,
z_near: float,
z_far: float,
fov: float = 60,
) Mat4T

Create a Mat4 perspective projection matrix for use with OpenGL.

Given a desired aspect ratio, near/far planes, and fov (field of view), create a 4x4 Projection Matrix. This is useful for setting projection.

Return type:

TypeVar (Mat4T, bound = Mat4)

rotate(angle: float, vector: Vec3) Mat4

Get a rotation Matrix on x, y, or z axis.

Return type:


row(index: int) tuple

Get a specific row as a tuple.

Return type:


scale(vector: Vec3) Mat4

Get a scale Matrix on x, y, or z axis.

Return type:


translate(vector: Vec3) Mat4

Get a translation Matrix along x, y, and z axis.

Return type:


transpose() Mat4

Get a transpose of this Matrix.

Return type:


class Quaternion


conjugate() Quaternion
Return type:


dot(other: Quaternion) float
Return type:


classmethod from_mat3() Quaternion
Return type:


classmethod from_mat4() Quaternion
Return type:


normalize() Quaternion
Return type:


to_mat3() Mat3
Return type:


to_mat4() Mat4
Return type:


property mag: float

The magnitude, or length, of the Quaternion.

The distance between the coordinates and the origin. Alias of abs(quaternion_instance).

w: float

Alias for field number 0

x: float

Alias for field number 1

y: float

Alias for field number 2

z: float

Alias for field number 3

class Vec2

A two-dimensional vector represented as an X Y coordinate pair.

Vec2 is an immutable 2D Vector, including most common operators. As an immutable type, all operations return a new object.


The Python len operator returns the number of elements in the vector. For the vector length, use the abs operator.

clamp(min_val: float, max_val: float) Vec2

Restrict the value of the X and Y components of the vector to be within the given values.

Return type:


distance(other: Vec2) float

Calculate the distance between this vector and another 2D vector.

Return type:


dot(other: Vec2) float

Calculate the dot product of this vector and another 2D vector.

Return type:


from_heading(heading: float) Vec2

Create a new vector of the same magnitude with the given heading.

In effect, the vector rotated to the new heading.


heading (float) – The desired heading, in radians.

Return type:


from_magnitude(magnitude: float) Vec2

Create a new vector of the given magnitude

The new vector will be created by first normalizing, then scaling the vector. The heading remains unchanged.

Return type:


static from_polar(mag: float, angle: float) Vec2

Create a new vector from the given polar coordinates.

  • mag (float) – The desired magnitude.

  • angle (float) – The angle, in radians.

Return type:



Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

lerp(other: Vec2, alpha: float) Vec2

Create a new Vec2 linearly interpolated between this vector and another Vec2.

  • other (Vec2) – Another Vec2 instance.

  • alpha (float) – The amount of interpolation between this vector, and the other vector. This should be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. For example: 0.5 is the midway point between both vectors.

Return type:


limit(maximum: float) Vec2

Limit the magnitude of the vector to passed maximum value.

Return type:


normalize() Vec2

Normalize the vector to have a magnitude of 1. i.e. make it a unit vector.

Return type:


reflect(vector: Vec2) Vec2

Create a new Vec2 reflected (ricochet) from the given normalized vector.


vector (Vec2) – A normalized vector.

Return type:


rotate(angle: float) Vec2

Create a new vector rotated by the angle. The magnitude remains unchanged.


angle (float) – The desired angle, in radians.

Return type:


property heading: float

The angle of the vector in radians.

property mag: float

The magnitude, or length of the vector.

The distance between the coordinates and the origin. Alias of abs(vec2_instance).

x: float

Alias for field number 0

y: float

Alias for field number 1

class Vec3

A three-dimensional vector represented as X Y Z coordinates.

Vec3 is an immutable 2D Vector, including most common operators. As an immutable type, all operations return a new object.


The Python len operator returns the number of elements in the vector. For the vector length, use the abs operator.

clamp(min_val: float, max_val: float) Vec3

Restrict the value of the X, Y and Z components of the vector to be within the given values.

Return type:


cross(other: Vec3) Vec3

Calculate the cross product of this vector and another 3D vector.

Return type:


distance(other: Vec3) float

Get the distance between this vector and another 3D vector.

Return type:


dot(other: Vec3) float

Calculate the dot product of this vector and another 3D vector.

Return type:


from_magnitude(magnitude: float) Vec3

Create a new vector of the given magnitude

The new vector will be created by first normalizing, then scaling the vector. The heading remains unchanged.

Return type:



Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

lerp(other: Vec3, alpha: float) Vec3

Create a new Vec3 linearly interpolated between this vector and another Vec3.

  • other (Vec3) – Another Vec3 instance.

  • alpha (float) – The amount of interpolation between this vector, and the other vector. This should be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. For example: 0.5 is the midway point between both vectors.

Return type:


limit(maximum: float) Vec3

Limit the magnitude of the vector to passed maximum value.

Return type:


normalize() Vec3

Normalize the vector to have a magnitude of 1. i.e. make it a unit vector.

Return type:


property mag: float

The magnitude, or length of the vector.

The distance between the coordinates and the origin. Alias of abs(vector_instance).

x: float

Alias for field number 0

y: float

Alias for field number 1

z: float

Alias for field number 2

class Vec4

A four-dimensional vector represented as X Y Z W coordinates.

Vec4 is an immutable 2D Vector, including most common operators. As an immutable type, all operations return a new object.


The Python len operator returns the number of elements in the vector. For the vector length, use the abs operator.

clamp(min_val: float, max_val: float) Vec4
Return type:


distance(other: Vec4) float
Return type:


dot(other: Vec4) float
Return type:



Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

lerp(other: Vec4, alpha: float) Vec4

Create a new Vec4 linearly interpolated between this vector and another Vec4.

  • other (Vec4) – Another Vec4 instance.

  • alpha (float) – The amount of interpolation between this vector, and the other vector. This should be a value between 0.0 and 1.0. For example: 0.5 is the midway point between both vectors.

Return type:


normalize() Vec4

Normalize the vector to have a magnitude of 1. i.e. make it a unit vector.

Return type:


w: float

Alias for field number 3

x: float

Alias for field number 0

y: float

Alias for field number 1

z: float

Alias for field number 2

clamp(num: float, minimum: float, maximum: float) float

Clamp a value between a minimum and maximum limit.

Return type:
